Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Addy has been looking forward to Halloween for a while because she was so excited to be a witch!!! She look so adorable and was such cute sweet witch. We headed to my parents house in the country club on Saturday. She hopped on Pops golf carts and went to a few houses. When I say I few I mean maybe 5 houses. Then she was ready to go back to their house and hand out candy.She loved handing out candy at their house and seeing everyone. She would put it in their basket and say your welcome. Most kids never said thank you but she always said your welcome to each of them. Her hat was hurting her head so she had to my hat on.

On Sunday night our neighborhood come together for the first time for the kids to trick or treat. Everyone who wanted to participate tied an orange ribbon to the mail box so the kids would know what house to go to. This was a wonderful idea and the kids had a blast. There were several houses that participated and the kids got lots of candy.Addy was excited to get to trick or treat with Ava this year also. They looked so cute even though they took their shoes off during the walk.

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