Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Please Pray

My little cousin Leslie whom is 21 has been battling a rare form of cancer for many years. She was first diagnosed and treated as a teenager and was then declared in remission for an extended period of time. Numerous testing and repeated trips to Houston-based MD Anderson revealed that Leslie’s cancer has returned. After extensive surgeries and completing radiation treatment, she is currently back in the hospital. LuLu (as we call her) was put back in the hospital last Thursday. They are running more test on her today. Please pray for this beautiful young lady and her family. She is very strong and a fighter. I was blessed to have Addy on her birthday so Addy will always share a special day with such a wonderful person.
Many people don't think a 2yr old knows what is going on but I promise you Addy does. We don't miss a day without calling her LULU. This morning when she woke up the first thing she said was "Momma LULU sick I love her!" As we drive by the hospital she looks for her lu. Addy has many concerns about her Lu. I just wish she was able to go and see her right now but our hospital will not let anyone under 13 come in. We love Leslie so much and know that God is watching over her and our family.

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