Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby Update 37 weeks

I went to the dr today for my 37 week check up. His heartbeat was strong and everything was great! He got me really excited when he told me they thought about moving my delivery date up but then he said they couldn't. The reason for moving up the date is because one of the doctors will be out of town that day. But with me having a boy they can't take him any earlier so he is going to bring in another doctor. So we are still having him on March 25Th! He seemed to be fine with my iron level and my feet swelling. I only have 10 working days left and 2 1/2 weeks left till he is here!! I can't wait! Plus I can't wait until the day before because me and Addy are having a girl day. We are going for pedicures and lunch. I know we will have a blast!!

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