Friday, February 27, 2009

Yeah it is Friday!!!!!

I am so excited it is Friday!! It has been one crazy week here at work. Don't get me wrong this week at home has been a blast. I have been lucky enough to go get Addy 3 days this week from school. We have went home and started to cook dinner and let me tell you she helps so much. She makes the tea, macaroni and she even made meatloaf. Oh and I can't forget the corn on the cob because she ate most of the butter before we had a chance to butter it. Butter can't be healthy for her. While dinner is cooking the weather has been so nice we go outside and play.

she did get her first black eye yesterday at school. She was climbing in the window and fell out. I keep forgetting to take a picture.

I rolled over at 4 this morning to look at her monitor and I did not see her. So I jumped out of bed and ran in her room to find her laying in the middle of her floor. You can imagine the things going through my mind. I have no idea when or why she did it. so I put her in bed with us. For some reason she did wake up at 5:45. So we decided to get up get ready and go have a mommy and me morning. We enjoyed going to the donut just us two and having breakfast before we went off to school.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pedis for the girls!!!

After I got off on Saturday and Addy & my mom got back from Texarkana we decided to get a pedicure. I really didn't think Addy would like it but she loved it. She set in the chair with my mom with her feet in the water. She let the lady run lotion on her legs and massage her too. She set perfect while they painted her cute little pink toes. Once she was done she set like a big girl in front of the fan so they could dry. Now everytime you look at her she says "See my toes they pretty!" "Oh my pretty toes." I am telling you she loved it. I think we might have started something with her now wanting to do this more often. I will post pics when I get them.

Plus we got a new pet this weekend. While her and my mom went shopping they come home with a new Betta fish. We named her Betty Bo! She is a hit around our house.
I am also so proud of her because she can now do her alphabet all the way from A-G plus a couple of other letters down the line. She is getting so big

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Weekend

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's weekend. We enjoyed our weekend at home which was needed. Me and Addy finally got to come back home after being gone for a week. Jeremy has had pneumonia so we have been staying with my parents. I got to catch up on some cleaning and ironing. Addy really missed her daddy and toys.

She got a cute rocking chair from her Nana and Pops which is only hers. You are not allowed to set in it because it is "Addy's chair!!!!!"

She enjoyed showing us that she is a PC Kid. You can really see the difference in how she handles the computer now. Her computer class at school has really helped her. Yes, I know she is only 18months but they said she was advanced enough to be in the class.
And look at those curls. She looks like a little Shirley Temples.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Party

Yesterday was Addyson's Valentine's Party at school. They had a blast. They enjoyed cupcakes and cookies. Addy has to always set next to Claire and Avyn. As you can see in the pictures she already has her two little boyfriends. Avyn and Court! The boys didn't like it when one was closer to her than the other. Renee we have our hands full with our kiddos. Addy and Avyn decided to climb in the chairs and show out. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wear Red

Yesterday was National Wear Red Day to raise money for the lifesaving mission of the American Heart Association. Employees at Big Tex supported this by wearing red.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ft Worth Fun

We went to Ft Worth last weekend for some shopping and the Stock Show. We sale trailers at the stock show so we went up for a visit. Me and Addy enjoyed a full day Saturday of shopping with my mom and cousin Tyler. While Jeremy was back here in MP sick. We shopped all day then went back to the hotel for some swimming. Addy loves the water. She wants you to let her go alone and loves to go under. After that we met my dad for a great steak dinner at Hoffbraus. Love the brau chips!!!!

Sunday it was out to the stock show. We enjoyed seeing all the animals, more shopping and Addy getting her picture with the baby goats. We had to get us a wonderful corndog which we loved. On the way home we got to stop at the park for a train ride. Addy was so excited to get to ride the choo choo. Hope you enjoy the pictures. No more going to Dallas/Ft Worth for a couple of weekends until the 28th.